March 5, 2010

What a week!

Just got back from the doctor's...again. I took Aaron and Emmie there on Wednesday and our visit was over 2 hours. We were sent home with a nebulizer and Albuterol for the both of them. They were coughing and wheezing; Emmie was up at night with a fever and cough attacks. Aaron was tested for RSV (it was negative thankfully) and Emmie had blood work done to rule out infection/viruses - she was clear. Today we went back because Emmie was not improving and our time there was over 2 hours yet again. The doctor had her lungs x-rayed for pneumonia and praise God, they were clear.

I'm tired. I'm grumpy. It's been a rough week. I hate seeing my kids sick, especially the babies! My family has had no home cooked meals for dinner this week. There has been no milk in my fridge all week and my kids have been very bothered that they can't have cereal for breakfast. I haven't done devotions/Bible study at all. Everyday our "schedule" has been off, well really non-existent. I had grand plans of reading Dr. Seuss books and doing fun activities with my kids since his birthday was this week and it was Read Across America Day. I had all the materials ready to do a mini-unit study on hot dogs (they've been begging to do it for weeks now) and make our very first lap book. Neither of these things happened.

Weeks like these get me down; they discourage me really. Oh and did I mention that I have a gnarly cold sore on my lip, my cough has flared up and my throat is hurting again. I've been pouting all week and feeling blah. I had my PJ's on by 3:00 yesterday afternoon...that should paint a pretty picture. :-)

My Dad gave me a nugget of encouragement when he reminded me that I should be grateful that I have a doctor to take my children to and that at least we're not in Haiti. That got me thinking about my friends in Haiti and the people I know down there...what they must be going through. I simply can't imagine! And it changed my outlook immediately because I am thankful to have an accessible doctor, a decent pharmacy and the ability to pay for medicine and medical care. We are so blessed.

Then I'm driving home today and it was as if the songs on the radio were meant just for me. I love when that happens! One of my favorite songs by Kutless: "You are my strong tower, shelter over me, beautiful and mighty, everlasting King. You are my strong tower, fortress when I'm weak, Your name is true and holy, and Your face is all that I seek." The very next song touched me too, but I'm not sure of the title or the artist: "I am safe in Your arms, You're my strength when I am weak, You carry me. I am safe in Your arms, You're my strength and my Savior."

Both songs served as a reminder to me that my strength comes from the Lord. And I was able to look back on my week and see that. My children have all survived just fine without cereal for breakfast and daily baths and the five food groups and activities. I am still functioning. And I will press on....

1 comment:

Reilly Fitzpatrick said...

pressing on with you sister. love your heart. thanks for sharing it. so glad you first home cooked meal of the week was with us! i have stories to tell you about the GUMBO! (which samuel calls jumbo!) oh dear. i dreamt about it. i woke up wanting it for breakfast. i was much too "nice" in insisting that you take it home. BIG mistake! what are you doing for lunch? :)

i will give breathing treatments and snuggle my favorite aaron boy! praying that they both (AND YOU!) recover quickly. it is wonderful to witness you choosing to be thankful in the middle of a snarky week. thanks for the best saturday of chuckles in a long time. it is amazing that you can be such a good sport after that week! love, kelly