March 2, 2010

Can't we all just get along?

I am no expert at sibling interaction being that I am an only child, but is it really that difficult? I don't understand why my children just can't get along. In my perfect world their relationships would be pure bliss and love and tolerance. Instead there is arguing and competition and rudeness. It makes me sad to see them treat each other badly. It angers me when one puts another down or teases them. I really feel bad when they love on one sibling and then reject another!

My prayers have been that I will get better at discipling (disciple-ing, not disciplining) my children; teaching them how to treat each other and have patience with one another. It is hard! How do you make sure your boys are loving towards both sisters, not just the younger one that doesn't bother them as much? How do you ensure that your boys are friends and not jealous and competitive? How do you raise two daughters so that they will be the best of friends and not spiteful and mean to each other?

Being mediator and referee can sure be exhausting, but I am trying to get better at letting them work it out. I once read that if a parent constantly responds to tattling then the kids continue to do it because they've gotten a reaction. So...I pray and pray and pray...and am trying as hard as I can to give it over to God. I know He can change their hearts and attitudes towards each other. I also know that His word gives me all that I need to raise these kids and disciple them to become the individuals God has created them to be. And I am so grateful for that.

Today has just been one of those days where everyone is having issues. I do have hope though because not all days are like this and those times when they do get along and enjoy each other bring me great joy!

1 comment:

Sarah Elwer said...

i love that you made the point about disciple-ing your kids! Your heart is great and i know that will influence your children greatly!

Love you blog! keep up the good writing!