March 21, 2010

Over this past week or so it has really hit me how much Emmie (3 1/2) is growing up! You know that realization where one day you're dealing with a toddler, very much still a baby, and then all of a sudden it hits you that this child has gotten older and is a big kid now? Those moments make me sad because it reminds me of how quickly the time is passing.

Her baby book is still not completed and most of the pictures from her life are on my memory stick in my camera, or on the computer. I really need to get on the ball, especially since I've got Aaron now and another baby book to get busy on. So I wanted to post a few things on here that have been typical Emmie moments so that I won't forget them.

Yesterday she was asking for a snack, so she went into the pantry and got some Wheat Thins. She came to me and asked if she could have some "wood chips." I love when kids do that!!

A couple weeks ago she got in trouble and was sent to her room. She was crying and stayed there for a few minutes. Next thing I know she's in my room...she comes to me sniffling and says, "I forgive you Mommy." It was all I could do to suppress my chuckles. We talked about what had happened and as it turned out she was trying to ask me to forgive her, but didn't know how to get the words out. A few days later she did the same thing to her Daddy and we both had a good laugh.

At night she never wants to go to bed. She would much rather snuggle with me in my bed. So often times I have to bribe her to go in her bed/room. I tuck her in and assure her that I'll be back to check on her. She still gets up and comes in our room over and over again because she wants to make sure that I'm coming in to see her "in a couple whiles."

Lastly, she got in trouble from her Daddy a few days ago and he told her to come to him. She was very nervous and hesitant of course, so she crept slowly towards him. She had her blankey and a smirk on her face. Jay kept insisting that she come to him. As she got closer and closer her face turned to worry...she knew she was going to get a spanking. :-) At the last minute as she arrived at her Daddy she turns on the charm, those sparkling eyes and that adorable smile and says to Jay, "Daddy, you love me!?!" As if to remind him that she is his baby and to reconsider his actions. It was hysterical! Of course my husband buckled. LOL

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