According to my husband I should just say he's 1, but for some reason (it's a mom thing), I always keep track of the months up until the age of 2. So happy 13 month birthday to my sweet Aaron Isaac today.
I should be packing, but documenting the milestones of my sweet boy is much more fun. Plus, it dawned on me that this child has no baby book yet so this blog may be the closest thing he's gonna have.
His favorite word is ball. He can spot a ball in a crowded room. Actually anything round, such as a globe, is a ball to him. And he's obsessed, even with footballs.
He's not walking on his own yet, but he loves to push his walker around and walk holding someones hands. He is fine to walk while holding the couch, a wall, the table....just not feeling like doing it alone yet. He will take maybe 3-5 steps from one person to another, but usually that results in a big laugh and a face-first fall forward (we always catch him of course!).
All that being said, he crawls at turbo speed! My favorite thing is to get on the ground, call his name from across the room and watch him turbo crawl towards me. Talk about a melting heart!
He discovered the stairs last month, so we've got the gate up now. A couple times we've forgotten that the gate is down and all of a sudden we hear him calling out and he's upstairs in the bonus room looking down on us, laughing.
Speaking of laughing...he is a laugher! (is that even a word?) He loves to laugh. Baby laughter is one of the best sounds and this child seems to laugh so much more than my other babies did. I often wonder if it's just him living up to his middle name, Isaac, which means 'laughter.' And the cheesy grin that accompanies his laughter makes it all the more endearing. Love that boy!
He knocks on things...we say "knock-knock" and he makes a fist and knocks. It's adorable.
There are a few "words" that he says: hi, bye-bye, mama, dada, dog (or woof woof), boat, ball and bird. He can also say 'more' in sign language.
We've been trying to teach him to give kisses, but usually what we get is him leaning his forehead towards us for a kiss. Brendan seems to be the only one who can successfully get him to give kisses with his lips. Precious!
1 comment:
I love your blog Kady!! It's so beautiful & your thoughts are amazing!!! Thanks for sharing ;-)
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