You know it's funny because I was asked a question recently about whether or not as a mother I replay the events and timing of each child's birth every year as their birthday is approaching. To which I answered, absolutely yes! But for me, concerning Aaron, it was a bit different.
Of course as his First birthday approached I got sentimental and did think about what I was doing last year at that time, etc., etc. But as far as details and timing and what not...those memories weren't as vivid for me as the days that followed his birth.
So it is that I'm sitting her blogging about the day he had his surgery because it's the wee hours of July 6 and 7, 2009 that remain most vivid in my mind. Getting to the ER close to midnight and going through the motions to have various tests done and trying to stay awake all through the night. Watching him cry and root because he was so hungry and wanting to nurse. Curling up on the end of his hospital bed to pass out because I just couldn't do it anymore. Watching Michael Jackson's funeral on TV as we waited for the verdict on Aaron's diagnosis. (Crazy, I know!).
But God is so good. Looking back now I can see so clearly the Hand of God in all of it. The power of prayer was indescribable! The supernatural strength that the Lord provided to Jay and I. And the peace....that underlying sense of peace in the midst of a trial - how amazing to truly experience that.
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
And to think that when I was pregnant I asked myself how it would be for child #5...would he be neglected in any way being in last place? Would he get less love? Heck, would I be able to expand my heart yet again and love him as much as the others?
Of course, I look at him now and just can not imagine our family without him!
This is what he would do every time he heard my voice. Those forehead wrinkles were my favorite. And the crossed eyes!
To finally hold him was pure satisfaction. It was torture only being able to rub his head.
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