April 7, 2010


Nothing drives me more crazy then when I hear my children whining. Some days I am more tolerant than others, but for the most part it gets on my last nerve. I remember when Brendan was little, two maybe, and he would whine. My Mom would say to him, "Let me hear your normal voice Brendan." So we taught him to stop whining and talk to us in a normal voice. It was so cute because most times he would stop whining and say to us (in the same whining tone), "normal voice" and then make his request.

I have been whining lately. I have been complaining. I have been grumbling, mostly in my thoughts, but some out loud too. I have had this negative view of life and circumstances right now and have been taking things for granted. It's like I have been looking for things that are wrong because my mind is focused on the negative.

So yesterday morning I sit down with my coffee and my three little devotional books. No joke...the topic in each one of them was thanksgiving and being thankful in all circumstances. Only one of them is dated, but the other two I just read a page per day and that was where I happened to land yesterday. You can imagine the convictions I felt. It was like the Lord was speaking to me loud and clear. I always chuckle when that sort of thing happens.

What spoke to me the most from my reading was that when I grumble and whine, I am opposing God. I am right where He wants me. He is using my circumstances in a way that only He understands. My attitude should be that of gratitude and thankfulness because I am blessed and my situation is not nearly as bad as many others.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

Why is that such a struggle for me?

How can I be thankful that my children and I are sick again...it's been months now and I am weary. Then I think about how blessed we are to have insurance, money for co-pays, clean medical facilities, a reliable pharmacy...and how about the fact that my little ones just have a cough and runny nose, it's nothing severe or terminal.

So my aim now is to change my view on things. I want to present a thankful heart to the Lord, no matter what. So my house is dirty and the laundry is piled up...at least we have a roof over our heads, a warm place for our family to sleep and several amazing people that make up my family unit (and who create lots of dirty laundry!). So I'm stressed about our loan modification...at least we have the means to go somewhere and rent if need be and we won't be living in our car or on the streets like many families in our country and this economy.

I want to be an example of joy to my children. What a hypocrite I am if their whining gets on my nerves, yet I turn around and do the very same thing to my Heavenly Father. I am so thankful for God's mercy and grace...I am working on using my "normal voice" much more in my thought and prayer life.

"All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast."
Proverbs 15:15

1 comment:

Leah said...

Yup, needed to hear that today. Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful day and I hope that you guys are well soon!

Blessings, Leah