April 14, 2010

Nothing went as planned

Somehow my three year old didn't get the memo letting her know that today was a day meant for Mommy to get lots accomplished while the older kids were at their enrichment classes. I was so excited to drop them off, come home and get started on balancing my checkbook, doing some laundry, finishing up some paperwork at my desk, looking over our '09 taxes so our accountant could file them today, doing some online stuff for the DMV...man, I had lots to get done.

Nothing has gone as planned this morning.

Got the older kids to classes on time which is a small miracle in itself, but that was about it. Emmie was cranky when she woke up and it got worse when we got home. She just whined and complained and then started the crying...ugh, the crying. Of course at first I'm focused on the tasks at hand, ignoring her and hoping she'll just get over it and get distracted by something else. Not today.

I looked over the taxes and called the accountant while she whimpered in the background. I fed the baby while she whined and asked me to pick her up. (Yes, it did finally dawn on me that she needed some quality mommy time!). Baby was supposed to go to sleep, but he didn't/couldn't because his sister kept crying and waking him up.

Now I wish I could say that I exhibited patience and was kind and loving towards my three year old having her emotional meltdown. I was not. I was frustrated. My agenda was thrown off.

My second attempt at getting baby to sleep was successful. Then, much to my dismay, I blew off my agenda and focused on Emmie. We got her dressed, brushed her teeth, did her hair - all of which she cried through. She wanted to eat, but nothing I presented was good enough. Finally after holding her and sitting with her, she calmed down. She ate some cereal and we painted her nails. She hasn't let me put her down since.

I balanced my checkbook online with her sitting on my lap. I picked up around the house with her on my hip. And here I sit, posting on my blog, with her playing/drawing while on my lap. She needed mommy time!

So my lesson learned today is that I need to smack myself upside the head once in awhile and adjust my priorities. My sweet precious girl needed me this morning and I was blowing her off... for what? The years pass so fast and now I've got three older kids that could care less about me picking them up or snuggling with them or sitting on my lap. (This is where I swallow the lump in my throat!).

So take time today to love on your kiddos - no matter the age. We can get so consumed by life that we ignore our children and their needs for love, affection and attention. I need to send myself that memo each and every morning!

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