April 16, 2011

Everyone Needs a Break Sometimes

Motherhood is wonderful.  I love it.  I wouldn't change anything about it.  I would have more children (shocking to many, I know!).  Of course it's hard and exhausting and constantly growing and stretching me, but it brings me such joy and fulfillment.  I truly am blessed.

All that being said...sometimes I just need a break. 

If you are a mother, you can relate.  There are just times when a short period of respite is needed.  This is the dictionary definition of respite - to relieve temporarily, especially from anything distressing or trying; give an interval of relief from.

An interval of relief from...yes, that is exactly what I feel I need sometimes.  And it's OK.  And it's normal.  And it's wise for me to get this relief so as to avoid any permanent harm to my lovely children.

So sometimes I stay in the shower much longer than needed just to enjoy the time to myself.  And sometimes it requires me plugging my ears to experience peace in the shower.

In those rare occasions that I am in the car alone, sometimes I will decide to take the long way home.

And usually when I'm in the car alone, I have the radio OFF.  Total silence is so appealing to me.

If I can pull off going to the grocery store all by myself, then I purposely go up and down every single aisle just to prolong the solitude.

There are times when I actually covet my husband's lengthy commutes because I think it sounds wonderful to spend 2-3 hours in a car all by myself. 

When I show up for a dentist appointment and she is behind schedule, I'm totally content with that because it allows me to sit and relax a bit longer.  Or I'm thankful there is a long line at the bank because I can just chill while I wait.

My husband can attest that there are times when I beg and plead for him to take the kids with him...even if it's just to fill up the gas tank, or return a movie.  Anything for ten minutes of peace and quiet.

I realize that I'm with my children more because I home school, but I know other mommas can relate because your children have Christmas break, Spring break and summer break! 

Motherhood is demanding.  Our job is not 8 hours a day, five days a week.  We work 24/7.  Our duties include (but are certainly not limited to) comforter, cook, maid, alarm clock, chauffeur, photographer,   nanny, nurse, teacher, handyman, counselor, ATM, security officer and jungle gym.  We don't get sick days, holidays, or paid time off.  We are always working.

I love it.

But everyone needs a break sometimes. 

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