February 24, 2010

Super Mom

This may come as a shock to many of you (LOL), but I am not Super Mom! I guess because we have five kids and I home school, people think I've got it all together. Being referred to as a Super Mom actually makes me insecure because I know nothing could be further from the truth. Just ask my kids or my hubby...

I am very anal and my husband has been known to tease me about being OCD. More often than not, I am uptight. Sadly, my family does not look forward to us having company because it means Mom is on a rampage and we must make the house look as if we don't live in it. My family can't understand why I'm more concerned with cleaning and picking up than sitting down with all of them to watch a movie.

I have a temper (sad to admit) and yelling is a common occurrence in my home. My tongue and my eyes are my biggest enemy; I often lack self-control when I speak to my kids and the looks I give sometimes...well, you've heard the saying "if looks could kill." I show favoritism towards my kids, different ones at different times. I'm constantly struggling with how to meet all their needs and ensure that one isn't feeling left out, or being overlooked.

My children have gaps in their education, in fact most school days are not rich and full of learning as I would hope. Mostly I feel like I'm just keeping my head above water. If we can get devotions, Bible study, math and reading done then it's been a fabulous success of a school day in my opinion! I often think about how much easier it was being a classroom teacher than homeschooling my own children. My husband just can't understand that concept.

All this being said, I am so thankful that God extends so much grace and mercy to me! I am humbled when I think about how patient He is with me and how many times I have made the same mistakes. My heart's desire is that my thoughts and actions will be obedient to Christ. Ephesians 4:29 says, "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers," and that is what I have to continually remind myself of on a daily basis...especially when it comes to my own children and my husband!!

So, I may not be a Super Mom (sigh), but that is okay because what I'm really trying to be is a Mommy that is full of the Holy Spirit and bearing much fruit...love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22).

Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips. Psalm 141:3

1 comment:

Hi, I'm Alysha -But you can call me Lysh said...

Hey you! Thanks for letting me be a part of your families journey :)
This is a post that could of been typed by me! People often think I have it all together, & like you, it makes me feel insecure cause I know what they don't, lol. God is good & thankfully, He sees us the perfect fit for the job He's given us. Hope your all doing great
PS..love the pictures!! hugs, alysha