February 25, 2010

Way of Thinking

Do you ever have those moments when you ask yourself why in the world God has allowed you to be a parent? I do! When I lose my temper, when I make a bad choice as it relates to my children, when they aren't being kind to one another (and their behavior is mirroring mine...ouch!!). It can be discouraging for me and I am very good at giving myself guilt trips.
Then there are those amazing, sweet, precious times where my children will do things that just melt my heart and all that guilt and doubt go away because I can see their love for each other and their bonds forming as siblings and the fun childhood memories they are creating. This picture was one of those moments where they randomly decided to have a picnic on the front lawn. There was no prompting or suggestion from me, it was just the four of them and it brought me so much happiness (not to mention of course a quiet house for awhile).
I am trying hard to change the way I think, to get control of my thoughts and align them with the Lord, but man is it hard! I want my way of thinking to be His way of thinking. I was reminded of this in my Bible study this week through a verse from Romans: Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2).

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