February 23, 2010


If I had a dollar for every time someone made a comment about how many children I have, I would be sittin' pretty right now! Come on...I only have five kids, what's the big deal? That is what my response might be from now on. I love my life and I would not trade it for anything. Having said that, most days are unorganized, emotional, loud and exhausting, but I consider myself extremely blessed and love being a mother.

I chuckle when people ask me how I do it because the answer seems so obvious to me...by the grace of God! I mean really, how else could I deal with five children day in and day out while maintaining my own sanity? I rely on strength and guidance from the Lord because frankly I would be a miserable failure if I went at this on my own. I have learned to rely on God for everything, every aspect of my day, and entrust my kiddos to His care because me, myself and I...we always fall short.

One crucial aspect of my day, and the key piece to me maintaining my sanity all day long, is some quiet/alone time in the morning. If I can get up before the kids, get my coffee and sit down with my devotional books, my Bible study and my prayer journal then I know the day will be better. I didn't say the day would be good because not all days are "good" just because I get my alone time with the Lord. But you know what? There certainly is a HUGE difference to my days when I do get that quiet time because I feel more at peace and am in touch with God. Even if it's the worst day of all, I feel Him battling through it with me. I wish I could say this was a guaranteed thing every single morning, but of course there are mornings where I'm lazy and want to sleep more, or some mornings a tiny person wakes up before me (that's always fun!).

Motherhood has proven to be such an adventure. I mean just over the few days I was trying to create this blog it was chaos around here. Granted, we were all sick, but it was crazy. Emmie drew all over her hands one day...I think she was using Sharpies. Aaron pooped and it got all over his back and it ended up on his shoulders, arms and the carpet. The older kids watched at least four or five movies to pass the time while being sick. Not sure how many boxes of tissues we went through and how much snot was all over the pillows and beds. Ick! But we survived and are all mostly healthy now.

There are many days that my kids might not brush their teeth. Lots of days my girls don't get their hair done. Plenty of days my boys choose to wear the same outfit as the day (or days) before. My husband doesn't always get home cooked meals. Our home is not spotless and dishes are always in the sink. But if there is one thing I have come to terms with, it's this: relationships (with God and each other) are more important than bad breath, a spotless house, elaborate dinners every night, or making the beds each day.


totaljesusgirl said...

Welcome to the world of blogging :) Looking forward to keeping up on your family. Kids are growing so much!!!

Unknown said...

Kady, I love the blog. Your family is beautiful. Miss you!
}Shay & Family

Lorna ~ Lace and Ivy Cottage said...

Beautiful blog, my friend! Your first post has already given me inspiration. I can't wait for more. When people ask we if we "PLAN" on having more kids, we respond by saying,"Well, our van DOES seat 15!" Kady, you have a beautiful family and you're an awesome mother. Keep it up!