September 12, 2011


It's been a long time.  I've been quiet...I know.  Summer disappeared.  I can't believe it's mid-September already.  I have had so many thoughts the last 2+ months about blogging, but obviously didn't get around to it.  I love to write and share my heart.  I've missed it.

I'm not sure where the summer went.  It's not like we had a plethora of trips planned.  We went beach camping at the beginning of June and to Phoenix for my grandma's 91st birthday in August, but other than that we were home. 

So what exactly did we do all summer?  I'm not really sure. 

I totally biffed it on my promise to take the kids to the beach more ~ again.  Next year maybe?  Doubtful since I can't stand the beach.  So glad I have friends who go that invite my kids.

My summer memories are of exhaustion and nausea - daily afternoon naps that could in no way be avoided.  Then again what else did I expect during the first weeks of pregnancy, right?  And since I'm so very old now, I had lots of added appointments and tests and ultrasounds to keep me busy.

I did a neat Bible study with some friends.  We had our couples Dgroup that ran through summer.  Jaylon did lots with youth group (I forgot...he got to go to the beach with them a few times!).  My girls did a wonderful ballet camp.  We had play dates here and there.  We attended three weddings within eight days. 

Now here we are full force into the school year.  Jaylon is in high school and Emmie started kindergarten so I have lots of new territory.  It's busy and overwhelming and wonderful.

We are having a little GIRL.  Of course I swore we wouldn't find out the gender, but for cryin' out loud I just don't have the will power to stare at the screen for an hour and not know.  So the score is even now.  We have no name...can't agree on anything.  Typical.

We are so blessed and continue to be amazed at God's grace everyday.  Love to all of you. 

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