June 23, 2011

Growing ~ growing

Our family is growing, again. 

Yep, that's right, we are expecting numero six in January.

We are so excited!!  Of course the boys are hoping it's a boy and the girls are wishing for a girl.  Would it be any other way?

Due date is January 29.  I've been feeling extremely tired (go figure) and that lovely constant feeling of nausea is with me most days.  My smeller is way heightened and my taste buds are in rebellion.  Something looks/sounds delicious one minute and two hours later the thought of it makes me want to vomit. 

And how fun today at the doctor when he reminded me that I am considered "advanced maternal age" now.  Thanks for that.  I can't say that I'm worried though.  God is knitting this little one together and has seen it's unformed substance already.  He knows it's name, birthday and gender.  How amazing.

For you formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb.  Psalm 139:13

And to know this baby is only the size of a kidney bean, yet there on the screen I can actually see the heart beating!  Then he turned on volume and we listened to it beating.  I was in complete awe.  I have never seen, let alone heard, one of my baby's hearts beating that soon.  And then I recalled what the kids and I learned in science this year ~ that by now this baby already has the makings of it's circulatory system, central nervous system, digestive system and liver.  Already!!

Well, for those that have known me a long time, I did always say that I wanted six.

P.S.  No, we did not win the lottery.  Yes, we know how this happens.  No, we are not crazy.  Yes, it was planned.  Love you all, even if you do think we are nuts! :-)


totaljesusgirl said...

How exciting! Congrats!

Shunice Edwards-Harris said...


As I sit here 36 weeks pregnant, I am so very excited for you and Jay. The way you described seeing the heart beat and then actually hearing, I remember that feeling 28 weeks ago. Be blessed and love to be updated :)

Leah said...

WOOHOOO! Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys! More arrows for the LORD! I will be praying for you and baby #6....

Anonymous said...

Love you guys & I am so excited for you!! If anyone can do this, you guys can ;-) You are an inspiration to us, we are blessed to know you!!!

MadelynC said...

OMG...we are incredibly happy that you're expecting #6!!! we love you and Jay (and the kids of course)!!! please call if you need to vent or talk babies!!

Much love,

MadelynC said...

i don't know if you've received my original comment (it's not coming up on the website)...anyway we're so happy for you!! pete said "Kady, have 3 more so you can have a baseball time (little Anaheim Angels) ;)"

love you guys!

Unknown said...

well i am happy for all of you! we are thinking about number 3... cant wait to see you in the fall!!!