September 26, 2010

Homeschooling Reflections

As I sit here planning for the upcoming school week, I find myself reflecting on my feelings toward homeschooling. Sure there are days that I want to rip my hair out. I have plenty of days that I'm nearly out the door headed for the local elementary school to register these hooligans. And my husband has come home to tears more than once over the course of the last four years ~ Wednesday being the most recent. But all in all, I enjoy it.

I realize that it is not for everyone. I know plenty of people who wouldn't dare and think I'm crazy for even trying. So many of them claim they don't have the if I do!

All I can say is that by the Grace of God am I able to do this. Yes, I did attend college and obtain a teaching credential, but believe me when I say there are many days when I am convinced a classroom of 20 second graders would be much easier to deal with. I am not endowed with an over-abundance of patience (just ask my children).

This opportunity presented itself a few years back and we accepted it. It's been a rough time getting started and finding our groove, but last year was more positive than negative and so far this year I'm feeling good!

God equips me everyday to continue on this journey. I am reminded of Matthew 19:26, "And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

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