August 23, 2010

Too Uptight

This is one of those things that I just have to post (document somewhere as a memory) because it's actually quite funny, but it isn't a very good reflection of my behavior.

On Saturday evening Gracie posed this question to our family, "What happened to this day? First it was a good day and Mom was happy and then...poof...we're all doing stuff to make her mad!?"

Out of the mouths of babes...

Needless to say I was just a tad bit uptight. Well, okay, way too uptight if I'm being honest. I was sleep deprived and had a headache. The disorganization of the house was driving me nuts! The kitchen was a mess. I was feeling lots of anxiety because there are still boxes all over the place. The school year is upon me and I've done very little planning. So many excuses!

Yet when Gracie made her comment I literally laughed out loud - LOL. And in that moment, all of my "uptightness" dissolved. And then I felt bad because I realized how much my bad mood was bringing everyone else down and affecting the whole evening. Jay and the boys were outside grilling and we were going to watch a movie together as a family. Sad to think that my negative attitude was ruining this special and rare time that my family was spending, just us, at home, hanging out.

It always surprises me when God uses one of my children to get my attention and make a point. But I'm so glad He did because had Gracie not said anything I would have eaten in silence and gone to bed early while they watched the movie without me. Sad to think what a fun night I would have missed because I was way too uptight!!!

1 comment:

Leah said...

Love it!!! Sometimes we have to just sit back and laugh at ourselves! Take a deep breath and hang in there - I know it is so crazy with the move and all...God will get you through! Miss you lots :) Praying for you tonight!
Love, Leah