August 27, 2010

14 Months Old

Not sure where the summer went, or these last fourteen months for that matter. Aaron is growing up so quickly. He's pretty much solely walking now, we rarely see him crawl at all anymore. Each day he seems to pick up speed. He has learned to blow kisses while saying "mwah". He likes to imitate me when I blow on hot food for him. Unfortunately his older brothers have taught him a thing or two and he thinks its funny to ball up his fist and "punch". Of course he gets a great reaction from his siblings, so he continues to do it. It cracks me up when he growls like a monster and he cracks himself up too actually. His favorite word is ball, everything round is a ball to him, even the onions at the store! His favorite food is avocado and he still hasn't really taken to drinking cows milk. This is a great age!

Did I mention the child loves to eat lemons? read right, lemons!

We had a blast in Phoenix and this boy loves to swim! He would get angry when we got him out. Just like he gets angry when we take him out of the bath ~ guess he likes water.

Chillin' by the pool in Phoenix! :-)

His favorite part about our new place is the stairs! He loves to give kisses through the railings.

Snuggling with Brendan is one of his favorite things to do in the mornings.

He has officially learned to smile for the camera. What a ham!

1 comment:

MadelynC said...

omg Kady....he is the cutest!!! i can't believe Aaron is 14 months, what sweet pics of him. hopefully we get to see each other soon