June 15, 2010

Precious Emmie moment

We're stopped at a red light today at the corner of an intersection. All of a sudden Emmie asks from the back seat, "Mom, how do they know my name?"

I have no idea what she is talking about.

This is how the conversation progressed:

Mom: Who knows your name?

Emmie: That building! See Mom. E-M-M-I-E, that is my name, Emmie.

Mom: Oh wow babe! So that building knows your name?

Emmie: Yes Mommy. It knows my name.

Mom: That is amazing Em. So cool.

Emmie: So many buildings know my name Mommy. (said in a very bragging manner)

**It was a Coldwell Banker building, which of course contains two letter E's, which Emmie always assumes spells out her entire name on any sign or building. I just love these precious moments. I wish I had been blogging for the past ten years to have documented them all. Priceless!

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